Friday, 5 November 2010

Sleeve Development

In order for my packaging to fully work I realised I would need a piece of apparatus that would hold the top and bottom together. I decided on a sleeve that slides nicely over the bottom half of the 'skull' without ruining the shape or detracting from the imagery. Below is a quick illustration of what I want my sleeve to look like when it is in place.

Below this is a more detailed close up of what my sleeve will look like when it is not holding the packaging together and is instead stood alone. Below that is quick drawing of the type of design that will feature on the sleeve.

Here are captures of digitally designed sleeves. As you can see the name of the product will be shown on the sleeve, so that when you remove it you are left with a complete and un-interrupted skull facade. Ideally there would be more type on the sleeve, either on the back or the front, helping the buyer fully understand the product and why they should buy it for their kids.

I realised to get some proper design work done I would need to know the specific dimensions I was working to so I decided to make a mock-up sleeve. Images are below.

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