Wednesday 29 September 2010

What is Good: Presentation

After spending the summer researching five topics of my choosing I then had to prepare a brief presentation for a small group of people. This presentation had to show what I had gathered over the three month period in a concise manner, and explain to a small group my conclusions. The five subjects I chose were: film posters, bikes, Mexico, cupcakes and 30 Rock. I think the subjects were varied and therefore I completed the task to the best of my ability. I tried to keep the information on the powerpoint slides as brief as possible. This was because I was told that during my PPD presentation at the end of last year the whole thing was too overwhelming with way too much text. I think this presentation went well and at the end a few key questions were raised in regards to why I chose these particular subjects. It seemed as though most people seemed interested in why I chose film posters, to which I replied 'they can reflect someones personality within a single frame, there likes, dislikes and so on'. At the end of this session we were told to narrow our research down further and I decided to go down the route of Mexico.

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