Thursday 27 May 2010

Speaking From Experience: Seven

At my final crit on Friday I was told to expand on my idea in a non print way. So I decided to capture some imagery that depicts my proposed idea in an actual environment. I thought about placing the cardboard cut outs in several areas around the college but soon realised that this wasn't the direction I wanted to take. The aim of the cut-outs is to attract the students right at the beginning of the day when everyone is in a communal area, the canteen perhaps. They would then pick up an information pack which they would read and begin to understand the aims of these discussion areas. Then for the rest of the week there would be large vinyl stickers placed sporadically around the college, with each ones colour defining what should be discussed in that area. Obviously I have not had time to create the actual stickers so I used photoshop to create examples of this approach, they can be found below.

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