Monday 4 October 2010

Mexico in Detail

After successfully presenting my summer research, the group was then told to continue our research, but with a more direct focus. I decided that I wanted to base my future project around the country of Mexico and the different things I experienced whilst I was there. In order for my research to continue on the right path I decided to get away from the computer and go back to the diary that I kept whilst in the country. I streamlined my research and began to come up with a few key words and phrases in relation the topic. I wrote out a brief explanation for each one and why I deemed it 'good'. Below is a scan that shows my development.

After generalising my research I then went on to carry out a task that was set to the group in the first week. It is a method that ensures your research is as thorough as possible and you can often come up with some quirky quotes that can lead to an interesting approach, rather than generic ones. At first you identify a simple set of items, subjects, places or activites (pretty much anything) then ask yourself why? Why have you written this down and why do you consider it to be good? You can be as literal as possible but try and be creative at the same time. After you have identified these reasons you then twist them and come up with reasons why they could be considered 'not good'.

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