Tuesday, 7 December 2010


I decided to print off a few blank storyboards so I could start brainstorming visuals within the correct fornat. I settled on five for each word to begin with and was actually quite shocked by how long each one took to compose. Obviously I tried to be as neat as possible as I'm still in the early stages of development. However when time becomes shorter and the pressure more great I'm sure I'll be able to produce more in a smaller amount of time. I also decided to start using an online publishing resource that Fred had suggested; Issuu. It's a lot simpler than I had first anticipated and as long my documents are saved as PDF's they can be uploaded in no time.

The first flip book is my collection of storyboards for my first word; bounce. Each page has 9 frames for me to fill with my required information. Below these frames is a small space for a little text, a narrative if you will. Perhaps I could cut down on the time taken to design these by reducing the amount of text. After all, some of it is pretty self explanatory.

My next flip book is for my extend storyboards. In terms of the content I feel pretty strongly about some of my ideas, but feel less convinced by others. It is obvious that a lot more development is required.

Lastly the final flip book contains all the storyboards for my last word; crunch. This is the word that I struggled most with, and the majority of my ideas better represent the words crack or crush. Hopefully I will find a way around this by further experimentation.

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