Tuesday 25 May 2010

Speaking From Experience: Six

Here are my final designs for the accompanying websites to my project. I have kept the designs simple but have continued using the aspects that can be seen in all the other work I have produced for this brief. The colours are used in a subtle way along with the chosen font 'Chaparral Pro'. I have never created a website design before so this task proved challenging but I thought as long as I use my other pieces for inspiration I can't go wrong. The information presented is all the same with just slight differences in colour and image. I thought using a web layout would be helpful in me presenting other ideas that I had thought of during the brief. For example screen printed t-shirts and a separate pack for accommodation where things I really wanted to do but found myself short on time. I think if the project where to continue or become a real idea, then those are the directions that it could go.

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