Tuesday 25 May 2010

InDesign Brief

I was partnered with Ellis and asked her the following questions, to which she gave me great responses. I think the information I have gathered, paired with visuals I can take from her blog will make for a great, well-rounded article.

Age: 19 - born 21/02/91

Accomodation: Broadcasting Tower Leeds

Why did you pick graphic design?
I was quite academic at school and got high grades in all subjects. I found graphics really interesting and some what of a challenge for myself because it was one of my weaker subjects.

Why this course in leeds?
It has a good reputation and I liked the high standard of work seen on the open days. I knew it would be one of the harder more intense courses that I had looked at, but yet again wanted to push myself to work hard.

What qualification you did before here? Where you went to study it?
York College - Graphic Design Diploma - Distinction

What has been you're favourite brief and why?
I enjoyed the collection 100 as I like the end product I came up with. It was hard because of the amountof work expected, however I think I organised my time best with this project as the project was on something that interested me.

What has been your most successful end product?
Communication is a virus - Get people to try something new - Working with Roz and Becky Tipping - John thought our idea was good enough to show to Sainsbury's.

What you have not enjoyed?
I've hated researching and getting all the little bits of information together which backs up work. Although I understand the necessity, this doesn't take away from the hours spent doing it and finding a million other things to do instead before hand.

Are you a fan of blogging?
I HATE BLOGGING! It takes so much time. You think you just need to upload a few simple pics and two hours later you've managed to find 100 other things that need sorting out.

What products have not worked as well as you thought?
The very first project - How To - We created more of an idea rather than a product.

What you thought about the extra stuff like electives and CTS?
Photography elective was a waste of time because the teacher wasn't even a photographer herself she was a sculptor. CTS was a bit of a joke aswell because we were being taught by someone who was still drunk from the night before. He said I needed help with me writing skills, then I changed a few spelling mistakes and he said my essay was the best in the class.... hmmmm.

What have you created for the what is a line brief?
I did mostly sketchbook work and couple ideas but not a final thing. It was an art installation which doubled up as individual business cards which made up the whole image.

What have you created for the speaking from experience brief?
I have created a calendar tackling issues with people spending their student loan too fast.

Have you enjoyed the year?
Yes, it has probably been the most eventful year of my life!

What are you looking forward to next year?
Living in a house with people that don't annoy me! Having more freedom with briefs.

What are your aims for the next year?
To create alot more work that I am proud of.

Is there anything you would do differently if you could go back?
I don't like to regret things, because everything happens for a reason and you can't go back, so I just like to learn from my experiences.

Obviously some of the information above isn't quite fitting for the article, therefore I'll have to summarise what it is she is getting across. I think I am going to go in the direction of a cheesy article that deals with Ellis' experiences within the first year. It's going to be informative and all the information displayed will be 100% real, I'm just going to play around with tongue-in-cheek phrasing and composition.

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