Monday 24 May 2010

Speaking From Experience: Five

I have now finished creating my final range of products and am ready to present the results in front of the rest of the year group. Below are the three final front designs for the informative pack, as you can see the information has been kept minimal with the illustrations playing a pivotal role. The image below that one shows the exact same three packs, but instead the backs of them. Again the illustration is present but there is a lot more information on show. It tells the potential customer of what is contained within the pack and also for them to keep a look out for the 'cardboard cut outs' that I am designing. It mentions that these cut outs signify the position of a 'communication area' targeted specifically at that area of discussion, whether it be small talk, personal stuff or topical banter. You can also see the presence of the 'burst' graphic, I thought it would be nice to include this as it pops up in several places inside the pack. It's also a great place to place type inside of.

After I had put together the packs I then went onto designing the large scale cardboard cut outs. Before now I had been just using the heads of these characters and nothing else. I had not actually designed the bottom halves, and as someone with limited illustrative skills this posed somewhat of a problem. However I did manage to create full figures, with a little help from online imagery, and continue with the process. I decided to place all three on an A1 sheet so that they were a substantial size without costing the earth. I placed the 'burst' graphic behind their top halves and also placed in the subject of conversation which they represent. Below is an image showing the three characters after I had cut them out from the print out, but before I mounted them to create a rigidity which would mean they could stand up.

Below is an image depicting the large scale cardboard cut outs stood up with their corresponding information pack placed directly below them. This is roughly how I imagine the real situation would look when presented in specific areas around the college. Obviously though the three would not be all together, they would be separate in equally spaced areas.

Below is a close up image depicting the front of an individual pack. I hope the image shows the crispness of the print out and how the newsprint stock works really well with the chosen colour scheme. As you can see the cover has been kept simple with as little information on as possible. By including a question on the front it also draws the reader in and hopefully wills them onto to using the items inside. I also like the subtle use of the lines across the designs, and if you turn the pack over the lines carry on, creating a sense of continuity.

Below is the contents of the pack placed around and photographed. You can see a series of prompt cards, a name badge, a mystery item page of information, a double sided information leaflet/poster and the empty pack itself. I like the range of products would but say that there is always room for more. I always wanted to include a t-shirt with the character illustration screen printed on but with the decision to create an envelope rather than a box, one simply wouldn't fit. I could maybe include something to promote a website that can be accessed where more information is available. This is definitely the direction that I want to take and will start to create possible layouts for a website.

Below is an image of my final designs for the prompt cards, printed and backed with a speech bubble pattern. To the right of the cards is the simple belly band I created to hold them all together. I didn't want to detract from the detail of the cards themselves but I did want some way of the customer being able to identify what they are. So I used the circular 'burst' graphic in the appropriate colour with the phrase written in white, bold, italic type. I think its a really simple idea but it adds a degree of professionalism and realism to the product.

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