Tuesday 25 May 2010

InDesign Brief: Final Composition

Below are the final compositions for my double page spread. I first started by creating the text that would go with the article. I decided to go with the idea of a simple, yet informative, article that dealt with all the things my partner had experienced in the first year. Ranging from successes to failures, nothing is too personal to mention. I then went on to place the text in the actual DPS. I decided to use two columns on each page because it split the text up neatly, and therefore doesn't appear too overladen with text. I used the font Chaparral Pro for the small print and Doergon for the larger stuff like headlines and quotes. At this point I realised the article had no visuals so I immediately began to remedy the situation. I started by getting a large scale image of Ellis that could be used as the main focus. I then realised that this fit nicely above the two colums of text and decided to just go with it. Also because the article is about work I thought it would be appropriate to include some pictures taken from her blog. These were then scaled down and placed along side the information on the 'Collection 100' brief. Once all this was done I figured that my article would have to have some sort of headline, I therefore decided on a simple play on words replacing the word 'Alice' with 'Ellis.'

Below are a few examples of colour experimentation that I did before hand, before ultimately deciding to go with the blue.

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