Monday 24 May 2010

Speaking From Experience: Four

At this point I have realised that creating a pack in the shape of a box will be too difficult. Mostly because of time constraints and the inability of myself in booking a print session well in advance. Therefore I have decided to create a paper envelope pack instead. Something along the lines of a 'Don't Panic' pack is what I am thinking now. If you think about it, this change in design could actually be beneficial because students don't want to carry out a big box with them on the first day, they've already got so much other, more important, stuff to look after. With a simple, lightweight pack they can pick one up with ease and fling it in their bags. Also this means that they could maybe pick one of each up if they fancied trying all types of conversation.

Below is the final layout for the information side of my double sided leaflet/poster. The idea is that it is folded in five different places to create an interesting way of opening it, not your average; fold in half, fold in half again etc. This just adds an extra aspect of intrigue and individuality in design. The top layout is for the Small Talk category and therefore has the colour red shown throughout. This is carried through to the other two designs, except anything that is red on this one is either yellow or blue on the others.

When it is all folded correctly the first page you will see is the one with the largest face in the middle with the title placed above. This then leads you to open it, where the second page is the one to the right of the first on the layout below. On this page is a little introduction and a table of contents. There is also a red box with inversed white type telling you what to do if an awkward silence creeps up. This red box is continued onto the other page in the double page spread with the other half giving you advice on what to do with your mystery item. This then leads you to the back page where you are given several 'exit lines' and a wish of good luck from your chosen character. Each one specific to that characters attitude and interest.

When the leaflet is unfolded in its first position you are presented with more information running horizontally across the top and bottom. Here you are educated on the other two available conversation subject areas you can explore and a little profile on each of the characters. Here you are also told some key catch phrases to remember that will keep you calm in a conversation and a little personal message from your chosen conversationalist. Once you have read this information you can then unfold these flaps to reveal the poster on the back side.

Below are the designs for the posters in relation to each specific character. As you can see the designs are kept simple with the main focus being the illustration of the character. Below you will find a small blurb about each one, almost a profile on each one naming their strengths and weaknesses within communication. Around the illustration are several speech bubbles with possible conversational snap shots that would appear in that specific area. They aren't meant to be taken seriously, they are meant to be tongue-in-cheek. You wouldn't really say some of the things in those bubbles.
Below are the final designs for another product found within the pack. I thought it would be useful for each one to contain a series of 'prompt cards'. They would be a handy size so you can carry them around and pull them out at any point that you feel the conversation is drying up. I thought it would be better to keep the designs simple, but making sure that the appropriate colours feature heavily along with a small image of the character illustration. Next to this is just a small bit of type listing a few separate ideas for conversation. The cards would be double sided with a repeated speech bubble pattern on the back side. These bubbles would of course be in-keeping with the colour schemes.

The series of prompt cards for the Small Talk category.

The series of prompt cards for the Personal Stuff category.

The series of prompt cards for the Topical Banter category.

Well now I have the majority of finished designs for products within the pack. I still want to design a name badge type thing and also decide whether I will be placing an actual mystery item inside each pack or a piece of information about the mystery item. This may be better because if I settle on a thin paper pack it limits my possibilities for the items. With the other way I can use anything as long as I find appropriate information.

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