Wednesday 21 October 2009

Alphabet Soup Part Two

I started off this project by interviewing the partner selected for me from the 'randomizer'. We were given 10 set questions that we had to ask our partner, and then answer personally as well. The questions ranged from incredibly personal; 'What is your most treasured possesion?', to more light hearted; 'What would be your fancy dress costume of choice?'. Initially we had no idea what we would have to do with the information, therefore I tried to get as much as I could. Once we were finished we were then told we had to design a complete alphabet that visually communicates them and their interests. At first I was quite overwhelmed and could not figure out how I would manage to represent a person I had never spoken to before, but once I settled on a theme I was set.

I decided to use one of my partners biggest interests; tattoo's, and expand on the idea. I researched 'Sailor Jerry', one of the founding tattoo artist's, and his infamous traditional designs. I wanted to incorporate these designs with a pre-existing font but realised I couldn't just place the drawings with the font as this would not answer the brief correctly. In order for it to be done correctly I had to edit the font, not just place illustrations with it.
Above is a quick example of how I printed off pre-existing fonts and then drew over them to create a more traditional feel. Once I settled on using Arial Narrow as the existing typeface I then worked on a larger scale so I could add better detail to each letter. I then worked on the illustrations that I could pair with the letters, initially wanting to go with a traditional rose I sketched a few designs.
This is an example of how I paired the rose design with the letter A. Also featured is the cut-out on the right hand side stroke and serifs. Now I had to decide on where the rose would feature on every other letter and the glyphs. Below is the sheet that I took into my final crit. I was pleasantly pleased with what I had created and hoped it wouldn't be too heavily criticised. Luckily it wasn't but a few issues I had expected to be raised were. For example from a distance it was hard to decipher that the roses where actually roses because of the dark red colour, this would need to be addressed. Another issue was the continuity of the serifs, but I knew I hadn't looked into it thoroughly enough, and expected repercussions.

Therefore I decided to remove the colour and all the serifs that were unecessary to create what you see below. My absolute final alphabet.

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