Wednesday 21 October 2009

Visual Language: 13th October

Today we had another visual language session, and that means another session of cutting out 10cm x 10cm squares and using variations on the letter A to visually communicate certain words. However today was slightly different. We had to create five different ways of portraying the word scale, and with this we had to really think about format and composition. We were told to make the five examples as different from each other as possible, and to really project our ideas by having letters disappear off the page in some cases.

As soon as we had finished designing the five variations we then had to move around the room and find another persons work. We then had to take this persons work back to our own table and work with their examples for the rest of the session. We were told to use each example and create a further three variations on the initial idea to communicate 'scale' further.

With this design I moved the top of the A slightly further down each time, therefore decreasing the amount of smaller A's at the same time.

With this example I simply removed a letter each time, therefore reducing the amount of information in each square.

This one was easy to vary, for example I just moved the bigger and smaller letters into different corners of the square. However I don't think it represents 'scale' very well.

This one is incredibly subtle but I really like the final outcome. Each time the slope gets slightly less steep, therefore reducing the amount of A's on show.

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