Sunday, 14 November 2010

Sleeve Development

Again I started this area off with a little bit of hand drawn experimentation. I struggled to come up with information and aesthetics that would be found on the front and back of the sleeve. So instead I settled on making sure I had a perfect net designed in Illustrator.

Below is a screen shot of my fully designed sleeve net. Obviously it comes in two parts, and may seem odd to an outsider, however when the two sides are brought together to make one object, all becomes clear.

I started with colour experimentation for the sleeve by creating a simple swatch containing only six colours and an additional few tints of blue, green and pink. A screen shot of this swatch and the items it helped me create can be found below. It's amazing how many strikingly different approaches you can create with only a few colours. I wonder if I narrowed the colour choice selection down even further if I could come up with some just as interesting designs?

I applied my chosen colour scheme and design idea to my earlier nets for the front and back. I think it works really well and shows how the net will fit together just a little bit clearer. I also think it is important that I have clearly displayed the location of all the folding tabs, and therefore hopefully someone could construct this if they so desired.

Lastly is a screen shot of an idea that I had for text placement on the front of the packaging. I also like the little addition of triangles at the top and bottom on the design as they add a certain tribal feel to the piece. There are obvious flaws with design, like how the white header is washed out almost, but these are things that I can work on and make a lot better with further development.

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