Wednesday 20 October 2010

Final Assembled

Today we had our final crit for the one week 'Wrap it Up' brief. We were asked to split into five groups of roughly ten people and display our final three outcomes at a place around the appropriate table. We then placed a 'results sheet' next to our products and moved around the table to look and and review everyone else's attempts at the project. When I came back to look at the sheet I had left beside my packaging I was stunned to see the amount of feedback I had received. Each person was allowed to tick three categories just once in regards to another persons outcomes. I very much appreciated my feedback and was pleased to find no negative comments but only positive words. I think the effort I put into this project was visible and was in turn rewarded with ample votes. To the left is the feedback sheet in question.

With my first attempt I kept it simple, mostly because I found it difficult to add modifications to this particular net. I just added an Aztec motif and the word is also obviously present at the top of the envelope. With more time I could probably adjust this net further to fit nicely with the other two.

These next two images depict my attempt at turning a 'structural net' into an owl. I took inspiration from the Aztec God known as 'Chalchiuhtecolotl'. Not much is known of the god so I put my own twist on the subject matter. I kept it light and caricaturist, fitting nicely within my self assigned brief.

The last piece of packaging that I designed was a lot more fanciful. I originally just had the legs and ears added to the design, inspired by a a giraffes physical appearance. However after further research I discovered that animal played no part in Aztec mythology so I added wings and instead played on the more 'mythical aspect' of mesoamerican culture. It is my attempt at interpreting the 'feathered serpent' god named Kukulcan in Mayan history.

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