Thursday 13 May 2010

Speaking From Experience: Two

Now I have allocated my three different conversational topics I can get on with the graphics side and start actually designing different aspects. At first I continued to experiment with cardboard and 3D mock-ups of what my final mail-shots could look like, until I couldn't think of any other alternatives. After I had done this I realised that I hadn't actually definitely decided what was going into these packages so I brainstormed for a while and came up with my list of items that would be packaged up and how these items would be found within the mail-shot. However this is still up for negotiation, depending on how much time I have left and if I even have the skills and supplies to craft some of the objects. I do really like the idea of there being a unique 'surprise item' within each package though, in the same vain as a kinder egg toy. I think it's the little touches that really make a product worth while, whereas at the same time it does serve an actual purpose of being a 'conversation starter' or even something so mention if an awkward silence arises and you want to quickly remedy the situation.

From the list of items that I want to include within my package I think it would be wise to crack on with the development of one of the bigger pieces; the poster/informative leaflet. So i found myself stumped when it came to where I wanted to take this visually. All I knew was that I wanted to use the colours red, blue and yellow to represent the three conversational topics and that speech bubbles had to play some part. So I started by playing around with my new favourite designing tool, Adobe Illustrator. I thought of the idea of using people faces combined with the speech bubble idea to create visuals that were similar to a cartoon. I started by tracing a face with the pen tool and keeping it as simple as possible. Below is the first example that I created, and considering I had never even attempted anything like this before with Illustrator I was incredibly proud of the final results. I thought by adding a speech bubble with something possibly humourous in it, it could be a good design for a t-shirt, and it would of course be instantly recognisable by other people with the same emblem. Think of t-shirts with someone like Stewie from family guy and you will understand the direction I am coming from.

Like I said I do really like this idea, but it took an awful long time to do because I am not fully averse with all the Illustrator shortcuts and what not. Therefore it may be too difficult to create several different ones. So instead I looked at hand drawn illustrations. Even though this again is not my strongest area it is definitely something that I want to experiment with until I get stronger and stronger. I decided that I would create a character for each of the three subject area's I have decided to use, this would therefore mean all I had to do was draw three different faces. A task that should be well within the realms of my capability.

Above are the three final characters I have created. Each one will be assigned to a specific subject matter. I am thinking that from top to bottom it will go; small talk, personal stuff and topical banter. I don't want to create stereotypes but I have tried to create characters that somewhat relate to their assigned subject. For example the female is someone who may want to talk in more detail about important matters, whilst the small talk guy seems quite superficial and smug and the topical banter man looks well informed and looks like he would be able to carry himself well in a fiesty debate. I think these illustrations would look good placed on a t-shirt or composed right in the middle of a large scale poster. However, more development is obviously required still.


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