Sunday 24 January 2010

Visual Language: 19th January

In todays visual language session we dealt with timelines and how to break lengthy proccesses into just a few, simple steps. The first task we dealt with was how we ended up on this particular course at Leeds College of Art. The second was our favourite TV programme and just how it came to be our favourite, I chose Six Feet Under. The third task was our daily routine, this proved to be quite difficult as there are far more than five tasks people do in one regular day. Also, next to each step we had to put a little symbol that represented the step. This was because we could then reference each step at a later date using just a symbol. We were then told to create a timeline of our entire lives, putting in the moments that helped us get to where we are today. But again we had to use simple visuals that represented these moments in the best way possible. This task seemed at first to be quite easy. However we had to find a way of incorporating our daily schedule into the same timeline. Below is the way I chose to do it.
I chose to place my daily routine below the other and rerpresented it by using a 'loop' symbol, so as there to put across the point that this is what I do in every one of the days in those years. This of course is not the case, because I have only really started to use this routine whilst being on this course. Therefore this is something that I could change and improve, however if I did that it would harder to fit all the information on in a clear and concise manner. I like the symbols I have drawn for the daily routine because they seem to be pretty self explanatory and obvious. On the other hand the symbols used for the the line above are alot more personal, and even though its obvious to me what they mean, other people wouldn't know.

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