Monday 18 January 2010

Visual Language: 12th January

In our Visual Language session today we looked at the very basics of the English language. I thought it might be boring because we were taught the basics almost 15 years ago. It turns out you can forget a lot in 15 years.

Simple stuff even I knew:
Noun: naming word - Clarence likes chicken
Adjective: describing word - Clarence especially likes spicy chicken
Pronoun: word that replaces a name - He likes chicken
Verb: doing word - Clarence ate chicken
Objective Personal Pronoun: subject acts as the object – Clarence ate chicken with her

It gets a little harder:
1st person Plural: We
1st person Singular: I
2nd person Plural: You
2nd person Singular: You
3rd person Plural: They
3rd person Singular: She
3rd person Objective Personal Pronoun: One

Yeah, its still hard:
1st person with Verb singular: I am
1st person with Verb plural: We are
2nd Person with Verb singular: You are
2nd Person with Verb plural: You are
3rd person with verb singular: He is
3rd person with verb plural: They are

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