Thursday 10 March 2011

Souvenir Prototype

After discussing with Chris about our individual responsibilities and what parts of the project we should undertake on our own I chose the creation of our limited edition 'souvenir package' containing a selection of items aimed at children including: a version of Sonic 1 on a disc, a certificate of purchase, a fold out poster and of course some stickers. We discussed that the package had to fit within the visuals of the Sonic game and came to the conclusion that using the loop section of Green Hill Zone could look visually great. So the first thing I did was crop and enlarge the section I wanted to make three dimensional. We also briefly discussed that the 20th anniversary logo had to be in there somewhere so I placed it very roughly in the centre of the loop, just to gage how it will sit. 

We originally wanted to cut the design off right at the bottom of the loop, as in have no part of the track with green on it, however I tried this and it just did not look right. I think adding a small section of the track balanced it out and gave it a more rounded feel, it also made it possible for the loop to stand upright, something that could come in useful when we are selling the package and it is placed on shelves and points of sale.

Obviously I also had to design an ever so slightly smaller net for the bottom half of the package. For the time being I created this out of matt black card, purely because I had some at hand and it is sturdy enough, but in the future we will use different stock and perhaps even place some information of the back. We have even toyed with the idea of reversing and repeating the whole visual on the back so that it actually resembles a 'complete loop'. However I think this has the potential to look a little too hectic and not to a professional standard. 

Due to this being my first prototype it is nowhere near completion in terms of both scale, dimensions and of course the design itself. As you can see from the images on this post I have kept the sides to the top half completely blank, this will be something that is corrected in the future with my decision to carry on the pixels over the edges. I think it will look visually great and give a real sense of completion. However that is a process that could take a while so I best continue to develop the net.

Also as you can see here the package is just the right size for holding a disc. After discussing it with Chris he suggested that maybe we increase the size slightly, giving it a bulkier look and the ability to leave more space around the disc, whilst also being able to make our poster and sticker sheet slightly bigger. I think he's right so for the future I must remember to increase the scale.

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