Monday 7 March 2011

Own Pixel Art

I thought that it would be nice if we had our own versions of 16 bit Sonic for the future so I took a little time out of the current schedule to get it done now. Below is a screen grab of my finalised Sonic in all his pixel glory. I'm not about the colours, I think he may appear a little dark, but this is something to worry about in the future if we even choose to use these visuals. 

Just for fun I took the vector image and added a texture to it. I thought it could be nice to give the figure a vintage feel, after all the whole approach we are going with is the retro so I thought it could fit within our proposed aesthetics. Below is an image of Sonic with a texture and I have to say that I like the idea and think that if it where slightly more subtle it could be very appropriate and look really cool. 

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