Tuesday 8 March 2011

Kids Fun Pack

Today Chris and I discussed responsibilities and the sharing of the work load, and I suggested that I wouldn't mind taking creative control over the kids fun pack that would be handed out at the Sonic event. He said that was absolutely fine as he was still busy working away to complete the Green Hill Zone Level. So the first thing I did was begin to brainstorm ideas for both the contents and the pack itself. I considered a whole range of possibilities and feel that some of the ideas I came up with where completely viable in the time period and could be potentially well received. For example I like the idea of including a Sonic height chart and a sticker sheet, as they are both interactive objects but are both easy to design and have printed. 

EDIT UPDATE: I think that after a crit on Wednesday 9th we have decided to move away from this idea slightly. We still want to create a piece of physical work, rather than just proposing ideas and mock ups, however I think that our 'pack' will be a little more sophisticated and perhaps even limited edition.

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