Wednesday 16 February 2011

OUGD202 Title Sequence

Above is my final video for my finished title sequence. It is exactly fifty seconds in length and has fully functioning audio and video. I would like to say that I am overjoyed at my final resolution, but that would be a bit of an exaggeration. I am pleased with what I have created, but do feel as though my lack of understanding and ability in moving image has hindered my efforts. I am confident in the assets created, and am glad that I managed to move them around the screen eventually. After experimenting with several approaches as to how to transition from one visual to the next; using a countdown, panning both vertically and horizontally, I was glad that I came up with a visually satisfying outcome. I'm not blind, I fully understand it could be a lot better, and if someone with knowledge of the programme had a go they could create something amazing. However I am aware that it is the best I could have ever possibly created in this time period, and for that, I am quietly proud. Maybe I shouldn't be so close minded, and should continue to experiment and expand on moving image for future projects, but for the time being I think it's best if I stay away.

1 comment:

  1. my first comment has not shown up:

    don't be quietly proud, shout it out loud! the assets work really well and the type is cool. great stuff :)
