Wednesday 2 December 2009

Visual Language: 1st & 8th December

Today we were each assigned a 'subject'. These included quite vague options including; the letter A, the number 3 and the colour blue. I was given 'circle'. With this word in our head we had to go around college and take as many pictures as possible of items that relate to it. I could have taken a different approach, for example just take a picture of half the circle of try and get a few circles in one picture, however I chose to take the simplest route possible. This was to simply capture the circle in the centre of every image. At first I thought it might be a little boring, but I placed all the images together in a contact sheet form and found that the overall impact is very effective. Below are some examples of these interior images.

After doing this exercise in college today I was struck by the amount of circles around us and started to motice them more and more. Just to prove my point further I decided to capture images of all the circles in my own room. It was amazing to see how so many things were circular, from generic cups and glasses to parts of my computer and the majority of toiletries. Below are some examples of the circles I found in my room.
In the next visual language session we were told to carry out the same project as last week but this time we were allowed to leave the college grounds and take pictures in the outdoor environment. I decided to walk into the city centre as its a good distance and I thought there would be plenty of circles for me to capture. The weather wasn't exacty great, but despite the rain I managed to find some interesting circles. Some of my favourites were a piece of chewing gum on the pavement and a spray paint smiley face that I found on the side of a post box. Below are the best images I got.

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