Tuesday 10 November 2009

Visual Language: 10th November

In our visual language session today we first had to arrange all our items into the form of the colour wheel. All colours had to blend into each other to create a seemless effect, because my colpur was purple, I had blue to the left and red to the right. After this task was completed we were asked to join up with another person, preferably from the opposing colour, and select three items each from our collection. I chose my post its, a comb and a perfume bottle whilst at the same time my partner had collected three yellow items of her choice. We were then asked to layer the items and different coloured paper to create different colour effects.
This is a pretty simple scenario. Here we placed the same colour purple post it on three different colours of card to see how they compliment each other. I feel on the red and orange its still vibrant, but against the green the outer lines are blurred.

This is a simple comparison between putting a green object on a yellow background and yellow object on a green background.

If you were to see the sponge on its own you would think it was a bright yellow. However when put against an even brighter yellow and an orange background the sponge actually sits somewhere inbetween on the colour spectrum.

This photo shows how both purple and yellow remain bright colours when put against a black background. However I would say that the yellow seems to be slightly brighter.

This example shows the contrast between three purple post its and orange, green and blue card. I would say the orange reamins the most vibrant colour, however this could be due to the fact that there is more orange on display.

With this piece its clear to see that the yellow and blue stand out the most, whilst the purple that sits in between the two colours tends to fade into the background.

Here a yellow sponge is placed on a orange background. When refering to an earlier piece, without a piece of yellow card present, the sponge does take a more vibrant feel. The addition of the purple post it helps the yellow and orange feel warmer also.

Here the yellow sponge appears washed out, but that could just be the quality of the image. In the background on the left the green and blue blend into one another because their qualities are so similar, whereas the red on the right stands out quite brightly.

This is very similar to the one above, however this time the yellow sponge is replaced by a purple post it. The orange still stands out above all else on the right, however after looking at each edge of the post it, all the different colour cards blend in, blurring the edges.

This last picture is quite a full composition. Every colour of card is used and both a yellow and purple item are placed in the middle. Because of the overwhelming amount of information its hard to gage any of the deceptive effects which are taking place, but it is good to use as a reference.

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