Sunday 4 October 2009

Visual Language: 29th September

Today was our first Critical and Theorertical studies session and it was nothing like I expected. I showed up thinking it would be similar to a lecture, with the class just taking notes from a tutor talking about a particular aspect of graphic design. However I was more than surprised when we were given a very practical, sometimes challenging task to accomplish. It involved ten 10cm x 10cm squares and two contact sheets full of the letter A. Some letters varied in size and font type, but all were black and purely A's.
We were then given ten words to visually communicate using only these materials, and glue of course. With each word we were allocated 5 minutes, at first it was difficult to work that fast, but as the task continued it became easier to work within such a short period of time.

Loop, Finished, Enclosed, Connect, Break, Systematic, Spine, Right Angle, Project, Negative

After we had all finished the task we had to display all ten of our completed pieces on our desk and move to a different place in the room. We then had to analyse another persons piece of work and try to pair each word with its correct counterpart. When I returned back to my space I found that seven of mine had been correctly guessed, a slightly higher than an average result that I was pleased with.

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