Monday 28 September 2009

Summer Brief

Over the summer we were given a brief that was left open for quite a wide variety of interpretations. I decided to take a very literal approach and assign each one of the 26 letters of the alphabet a word that would communicate myself and what I am about. This proved a more difficult task than I had first assumed, however after endless searches through a dictionary and discussion with my family (who know me best) I had assigned a word to each letter, even the more difficult ones! Once I had constructed my list I then had to think of a successful way of communicating my idea. In order to find inspiration I decided to research a few artists and came across a Japanese designer named Tsuguya Inoue who placed 3D letters in actual scenarios and then photographed them. I loved the idea so much that I began to construct nets for my favourite example of each letter, and even though it was a loboriuos task the outcomes were worth the wait. Once the nets were created and all stuck together I then placed each one in a suitable situation and photographed them for the final outcome.
Below are a few examples that I feel are some what self explanatory (they're my initials):

Can you guess what they mean?!

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