Sunday 6 March 2011


Today Chris and I came into the studio to try and come up with as many ideas as possible. We initially worked together, then decided to split up for a while and see if we could come up with anything separated. When we came back together we both really liked an idea that Chris had come up with. The basic principle is to enlarge the whole first level of the first Sonic game, a level entitled 'Green Hill Zone', and create a physically interactive game where kids can move Sonic along the landscape in any way they want. I think the reason why I liked it so much was because it gave this incredibly digital subject a more ephemeral feel. It would give kids the opportunity to hold something in their hands that they had only ever previously played through a computer or TV screen. 

In order to begin figuring out logistics we printed off the level in different sections before sticking them back together and placing it on the studio wall to capture some images. Below are the images in question. 

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